Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bombs Away

we both yell bombs away
drop an anchor, we’re here to stay
the lesser of evils, a sensual demon
a delicate doe in the winter frost
a street light blows out and we’re lost
we can’t measure the cost of a trauma
tragedy sparks interest, do what we wanna
barefoot in a dark alley, land mines in town, they know me by face, wouldn’t recognize a thought, my latest disappointment weasels it’s way into my birthday month, my problems go down like the sun and it gets dark
the future something or other, like a best friend from back in the day, we grow away, roots take hold, we outstay our welcome, time to move on
i hold you in my arms, ask why you’re saltier than the saddest sea; why you won’t come back to me, and you cordially warn me I’m misinformed about myself and suddenly winter has no end, the distance to hell depends on the price of discretionary minutes and what’s a reason for the pause when everything is moving right along
pushed the plunger on a bundle of joy, and it was all just a ploy, again pressed pause
childhood was paradise when a huge storm sunk the island to the ocean bed
and some of these wars we’re born into and some are up in our head, trouble drawing lines and marking enemies, I live in basic tendencies, is there a way out? It’s strange now, everything is wide eyed, less painful, pulled a steak out of my heart, placed it down, prone to less fighting now

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